Advocating for and Coordinating Health Services
“Siento que el Programa de Gestión de Cuidados de Ibero ha sido una experiencia positiva. Me ha ayudado mucho con mis tareas diarias y me ha ayudado a vivir un estilo de vida más saludable. Les diría que no esperen y que se apresuren a ser parte del programa. Porque si no lo hacen, se perderán todos los buenos beneficios que el programa tiene para ofrecer.”
- Jeannette, Participante
Removing Systematic Barriers through Access
“Son las únicas personas que están para ayudar a la comunidad y yo estoy muy agradecida, siempre que necesito un apoyo puedo contar con ellos sin ningún costo, no sé qué haría sin ellos. Yo no puedo estar más agradecida, son los mejores.”
- Disleydy, Participante de un Programa, Centro Cívico
Individuals Served
Pounds of Sharps Collected
Supporting Families with Essential Needs
“My experience with Ibero has always been a positive one. I recently reached out to Ibero’s main number looking for assistance for a student in need of food, clothing, and help obtaining medical insurance. I was immediately connected to the appropriate person and an appointment was scheduled for her. It’s always positive when students/families are supported.”
- Elena, Social Worker
Individuals Served
Bookbags and School Supplies Giveaway
Children Served
Financial Assistance for Primary Needs
Addressing Systemic and Structural Inequities
“YWCA has a strategic focus on guaranteeing our organization is a safe and welcoming environment for all. Partnering with Ibero has laid the foundation for improved interactions for staff, clients and the communities we serve. Best of all, our staff are actively engaged in the process and are eager to continue advancing our goals. We are grateful for all they have done and are doing to make our organization more inclusive.“
- Carrie Michel-Wynne, VP Strategic Partnerships, YWCA, Rochester, and Monroe County
Potential Community Impact
Clients and Consumers
Setting Children and Parents Up to Flourish
“Ibero ha sido una parte importante del crecimiento educativo, social y emocional de mis hijos. Gracias a las evaluaciones tempranas, mi hijo pudo obtener servicios para necesidades sociales y del habla y ahora dejará la educación especial y cumplirá con todas sus metas justo antes de ir al jardín de infantes... Siempre estaré agradecida con Ibero. Siempre recomiendo Ibero a amigos y familiares. Me encanta la sensación de familia cuando entras. A mis hijos les encanta ir a la escuela y eso para mí dice mucho”.
- Betzaida, Padre
Children Served
Parent Child Development Program
Parents Graduated
Providing a Place Where Seniors Can Thrive
“Durante la pandemia fue de gran ayuda. No pude salir de mi casa por motivos de salud y estar con otras personas. Me siento feliz de levantarme en la mañana. A otras personas les diría que hay bastantes beneficios, muchas clases de ejercicios, aquellos que no pueden cocinar se pueden beneficiar de los alimentos. Aprendemos muchas cosas.”
- Edna, Participante
Individuals Served
Congregate Meals Provided
Educating Parents to be their Child’s Greatest Advocate
“Espero que los padres aprovechen la oportunidad que se les brinda para que puedan orientarse y aprender cosas que les ayuden en el futuro. Ha tenido un gran impacto, por la seguridad de mis hijas. El servicio que nos brinda el Servicio de Asistencia a la Familia es excelente para mi.”
- Gloria, Padre
Students Served
Services Provided to Families
Decreasing Health & Language Disparities
Individuals Served
Spanish Interpretation
Organizations Served
Providing Business Training and Support for Entrepreneurs
“I think the format of this program is great. I really enjoyed the environment where I can network with other entrepreneurs. I would highly recommend it for anyone with the desire to start a business! The Ibero program has encouraged me to register my not-for-profit business to make a difference in other people’s lives.”
- Mohammad, Participant
Individuals Served
Webinars Provided
Awarded to Pitch Competition Winners
Providing a Caring and Safe Environment to Grow
“Being in the Ibero program has been great. I learned to interact with other people I didn’t know before and learning new skills in the program makes me happy. If you can come to this program, you will not regret it. The employees are good and they teach us new things every day.”
- Axel, Participant
Individuals Served
Family Support Services
Families Served
Committed to the Community
“He vivido casi toda mi vida en Rochester, NY y siempre esperaba que tuvieramos una estación de radio las 24 horas, y llegó Poder 97.1FM. Gracias... mi estación favorita.”
- Lilian, Dedicated Listener
Daily Listeners
Local Business Sponsors
Promoting Positive Behaviors, Attitudes and Outcomes
“Ibero’s Prevention Education Services (PES) has played a vital role in improving family relationships, reducing substance abuse, and promoting a healthy community at Edison Tech. By offering education and support, PES empowers parents to be more effective caregivers and helps prevent substance abuse among youth. Families can learn strategies for communicating with their children about drugs and alcohol and for setting clear boundaries and expectations. Additionally, the program provides a supportive community for families to connect with others who may be facing similar challenges. By promoting the well-being and success of students and families they serve, Ibero has helped to create a safer and more positive school culture at Edison Tech.”
- Richard, School Staff Member
Individuals Served
Prevention Education Workshops
Youth and Adults Served
Impacting the Future of Our Youth
“This scholarship saw me, it saw my culture, and it saw me as a leader. They invested in me, and it really paid off! Scholarships like Ibero help. They help close the gap, they help create greater access for students and for their families. They are investing in us and our future and hope that we could pay it forward one day.”
- Christie Smith, Scholarship recipient of 2004 Dean of First-Year Admissions at Nazareth College
Ibero Scholars Awarded
Forging a Better and Brighter Community
Individuals Served
El Camino Play