Funding Provided by:
Setting Children and Parents Up to Flourish

“The Ibero program has had a direct impact on my life as a mother since my child has been a part of the program. Ibero has helped me understand the importance of being involved with my child’s learning. Ibero has involved me in my child’s development with school since she was 4 months. I recommend that any parent interested in the program should sign their child up. The teachers and the staff focus on your child’s development in all areas.“
- Nadiah, Parent

“Being a part of Ibero has had a positive impact on me and my children’s lives in so many ways. They have improved my parenting skills by offering knowledgeable classes needed for family stability, and through the Early Childhood Education program have taught my children how to become independent and successful for entering Kindergarten. I would like to say to the parents that are considering becoming a part of Ibero that the staff is very supportive and is always willing to extend whatever services to help support your family. Not to mention that our children’s education, health, and safety is their first priority and engaging in the community helping so many people get a better quality of life.”
- Angela, Parent

“Ibero ha sido una parte importante del crecimiento educativo, social y emocional de mis hijos. Gracias a las evaluaciones tempranas, mi hijo pudo obtener servicios para necesidades sociales y del habla y ahora dejará la educación especial y cumplirá con todas sus metas justo antes de ir al jardín de infantes... Siempre estaré agradecida con Ibero. Siempre recomiendo Ibero a amigos y familiares. Me encanta la sensación de familia cuando entras. A mis hijos les encanta ir a la escuela y eso para mí dice mucho”.
- Betzaida, Madre
Children Served
Families Served
Parent Program
Parents Graduated
Parent Child Development Program
Parents Graduated
2022-2023 Highlights
- The Family Service Assistance Program worked closely with families experiencing homelessness; the families secured stable housing.
- We provided seven Parent Child Development Information Sessions, graduating seven parents in our second Cohort. Some topics covered: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Social/Emotional, Health & Nutrition, Communication, Cognitive, and Creativity.
- Nine parents graduated from Rochester Area Parent Program (RAPP)-uses the Chicago Parent Program(CPP)model, an evidence-based community preventive intervention for parents of young children. It is developed to be culturally and contextually relevant for low-income, ethnic minority families of children ages 2-5 years. Ibero Early Childhood Services was instrumental in implementing this program in Rochester.
- Delivered a series of webinars to families focusing on Empowering Families First. Topics: Attendance Matters, Social & Emotional Health, the Process of Special Education Services, The Importance of Play, Meaningful Media Play.