Youth Services & Community Engagement

Promoting positive behaviors, attitudes, and outcomes by working directly with students, parents/guardians, school staff, and community representatives.

Family Service Assistance

The FSA Team works directly with the parent/guardian, school staff, and community representatives. This partnership helps to increase positive and pro-active communications at home/school, along with increasing linkages to community resources.

Committed Parents

A series of workshops created to help inform, empower, and celebrate parents.

UNIDOS US Parent Engagement, Padres Comprometidos curriculum was created to:

  • Provide parents with tools to communicate positively with their children and the school.
  • Inform parents and families of the role they play in educating their children.
  • Help parents understand the grading, testing, funding process, and graduation requirement.

Call to enroll: (585) 256-8900 x644

ASPIRA Youth Mentoring Program

ASPIRA is a school-based, early intervention program designed to assist students, referred as ASPIRAntes, who are transitioning from primary to secondary level education. Each Mentor will provide peer and social skills development strategies, behaviorally based incentives, achievement recognition, and structure- which leads to enhanced academic and behavioral outcomes for the student.

Digital Skills 4 Life

Learn basic computer and technical skills including computer Hardware, troubleshooting, internet exploring, safety and security, digitized communication, social media, common apps, software and more.

FREE transportation, childcare, dinner and incentives.

Interested? Please call:

Yairin Medina – 585 362-1865
Beverly Hill – 585 348-7484

Roc Restorative

Ibero partners with the Rochester City School District (RCSD) to support students, staff, and families within the RCSD; the Roc Restorative Team includes Ibero staff, RCSD teachers, social workers, and counselors.

What are Restorative Practices?

  • A framework for understanding and applying principles to prevent and heal harm and build/restores relationships.

Restorative Mindset

  • A restorative mindset describes how a person understands community and one’s role in the community. 
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Prevention Education Services​

Familias Unidas, A family-based program for Hispanic families conducted in Spanish. It is designed to prevent conduct disorders; use of illicit drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes; and risky sexual behaviors by improving family functioning. The intervention is delivered primarily through multi-parent groups, which aim to develop effective parenting skills, and family visits, during which parents apply skills while interacting with their adolescent.

Or call to enroll

(585) 256-8900 x150 or x153​