Developmental Disabilities Services
Our trained bilingual and multicultural staff work with individuals to support their acquisition of important, basic life skills needed to manage daily responsibilities consistent with concepts of “Person Centered Planning.”
Community Habilitation Program
Our Community Habilitation Program helps participants acquire skills in the areas of meal planning and preparation, manage household finances and comparison shop.
Community Pre-Vocational program
The Community Mobilization Program serves Fulton and Montgomery Counties in providing needs assessment and community mobilization. It assists businesses and schools with development of HIV/AIDS policies and provides educational training. The New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute funds this program.
Ibero staff help coordinate not just medical mental health and substance abuse services, but also the social service needs of the individual.

SEMP extended program
The SEMP extended program provides job training, mentoring and follow-up visits to ensure that they are adapting well to their work environment. Pathway to Employment also provides education in pre-employment skills, integrated community vocational experiences, development of a vocational or career plan, to achieve the greatest level of independence possible.
Monroe Recreation Program
The Monroe Recreation Program allows individuals that live at home and their families to participate in various events in the community for inclusion and enhancing community participation.
In Home Respite
Hourly Respite provides relief to caregivers of individuals that live at home with developmental disabilities so they may dedicate time to self-care.
Day Habilitation program
The Day Habilitation program teaches basic skills to increase independency. The program is offered four hours per day Monday through Friday. We also provide several family-support services.
Family Reimbursement Program
The Family Reimbursement Program helps families improve their level of caring for a relative with a developmental disability.
Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Our residential staff have been paramount in keeping our clients healthy and safe throughout the pandemic. To date, we have had no clients or staff members test positive for COVID-19 in our residential programs. The hard work and dedication of our staff who have worked tirelessly throughout; many of them spending time away from their own families and working long hours to ensure we could support each and every one of our individuals. They have been flexible in the ever-changing policies and regulations as we navigate to through unchartered territory. We are appreciative of everyone who assisted our residential programs, especially day program staff. It has and will continue to be a collaborative effort!