Manejo de Casos y Servicios de Cuidado
Ofreciendo servicios de estabilización para algunas de las comunidades más vulnerables.
Servicios de Cuidado de Salud en el Hogar para Adultos
Adult Health Home Care Management Program provides care management services to ensure all those involved in an individual’s care are working together and sharing the necessary information in supporting a person’s goals to live a healthier lifestyle. Care Managers coordinate, advocate, navigate, and link individuals to resources to best help them reach these goals.
Counties Served: Monroe and Montgomery
• Dos o más condiciones de salud crónicas
• Una enfermedad mental significativa O
• Viviendo con VIH/SIDA
• Ser beneficiario de Medicaid/Medicare
• Tener un factor de riesgo social
Programa de Asistencia de Alquiler
Supportive Housing Rental Assistance Program serves individuals diagnosed with serious mental illness age 18 and older obtain and maintain safe affordable housing of their choice. Rental assistance and case management services are provided to help individuals live independently while maintaining safe and affordable housing.
County Served: Monroe
• Diagnosticado con una enfermedad mental grave
• Ser mayor de 18 años
• Todos los clientes deben ser referidos a través del Single Point of Access del Condado de Monroe (SPOA): Dado de alta de cuidados en un hospital psiquiátrico, centros de tratamiento residencial, residencias comunitarias para niños O residentes de viviendas con licencia de OMH, hogares para adultos, hogares de ancianos, refugios para personas sin hogar
El personal de Ibero ayuda a coordinar no sólo los servicios médicos de salud mental y abuso de sustancias, sino también las necesidades de servicios sociales del individuo.
Programa Ibero SMART Recovery
IBERO SMART Recovery is a mutual peer support program in Spanish to help those who are recovering from all types of addiction. It has a scientific foundation and teaches increasing self-reliance, rather than powerlessness.
County Served: Monroe
• Recuperándose de la adicción
Llame ahora para más información: (585) 256-8900 x122
Community Health Workers
Community Health Workers are frontline health workers who are trusted members of and/or have an unusually close understanding of the community served. This trusting relationship enables the CHW to serve as a link between services and the community to facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery, health education, prevention, workshops, and community and street outreach.
County Served: Monroe